Have You Seen a Wild Animal Attack Before? Here’s How to Stay Safe

We’ve grown accustomed to dogs and cats in our lives, thinking that only wild animals can be dangerous. And while most of them aren’t inherently aggressive toward humans, care should still be taken when encountering any type of animal. After all, every animal still has certain instincts that can push them to aggression. Each animal is different in how you should approach a confrontation to minimize the chances of a physical attack.

If you encounter a shark, stay calm. Don’t thrash around as this might provoke it. Try to slowly back away to the shore or your boat, but if the shark attacks, aim to hit it in the nose or gill area, as these are sensitive spots. Most sharks are not interested in eating humans as we are not their preferred type of meal. But, if they haven’t eaten for long, they will become aggressive. Best to avoid shark-infested waters altogether.

Lions become aggressive if an intruder walks into their territory. Most often though, they will simply observe, unless provoked. To ensure your safety, stay calm, avoid making direct eye contact, and refrain from running or trying to touch the animal. If possible, subtly move away without turning your back. This suggests neither aggression nor submission. Lions that have been around humans may be more tolerable but you should still exercise caution.

As a rule of thumb, never swim or wade in water where crocodiles might live. If you are on land, back away slowly because crocs don’t like sudden movements. In the unlikely event of being caught, try to hit the crocodile’s most sensitive areas like eyes and nostrils. While they may appear slow, crocodiles can use a burst of speed to run after you.
Grizzly Bear

If you see a grizzly bear, make sure not to panic. Maintain your composure, avoid eye contact, and slowly back away. Unlike feline predators, bears respond to eye contact as a direct challenge. If a bluff charge occurs – a common intimidation tactic – calmly communicate with the bear and prepare your bear spray. Any sudden movement or attempt to run might escalate the situation.
Black Bear

A black bear, on the other hand, can be scared off by making yourself appear bigger while making loud noises. Meanwhile, make sure your food is safe to avoid attracting the bear further. Gradually distance yourself from the bear, but never turn your back or run. A black bear might interpret running as a sign of weakness or even as an invitation to chase.

Upon sighting a curious cheetah, it’s crucial not to react abruptly or make sudden movements. Maintain stillness, even if the cheetah reaches out to make contact with you or your belongings. Eventually, the cheetah will lose interest and move along. Cheetahs are generally fragile creatures with an inquisitive nature and prefer to avoid conflict unless they’re chasing prey.

Most cats won’t display any aggression unless threatened and will very rarely go on an all-out attack. In either case, avoid running or making sudden movements, as these can entice the cat to chase you. Instead, make yourself appear larger and speak softly to calm the cat. If possible, try to place a barrier like a piece of furniture between you and the cat. If you’re faced with a cat outside, try to hide between a larger object and use your legs to kick the aggressive feline.

Moose are majestic creatures that look much smaller on screen than in real life. But these 7-foot, 1100 lbs animals can run astonishingly fast, so don’t try to outrun them. Instead, make as much noise as you can to scare it off. Moose are particularly dangerous during mating season and when they’re with calves.

Snakes are difficult to notice as most of them have highly effective camouflage patterns on their skin. A snake will not attack you unless it feels threatened (such as accidentally stomping on its tail or body). If possible, back away slowly without sudden movements. Don’t approach or pick up snakes, even when they’re dead as their fangs can still deliver venom. Wear sturdy shoes and long pants to protect against bites when in snake territory.

Running into aggressive wolves is rare as they prefer to keep a safe distance from people, but if you do, avoid making direct eye contact. Make yourself seem larger by standing on your toes and spreading your arms. If it keeps approaching you, the best strategy is to make loud noises and throw objects toward its general direction. Never turn your back or run as they can and will chase you down.
Mountain Lion

Mountain lions can be very dangerous because they will always notice you before you notice them. The best way to back out of a fight is to never turn your back to them. Stand tall, wave your arms, and speak loudly. If possible, pick up a rock or stick to defend yourself but only use them if you’re absolutely sure the animal will attack. They may also bluff attacks to ‘escort’ you out of their territory.

If you happen to stumble upon an alligator, keep your distance. If it feels threatened or cornered, an alligator may lash out. Resist the urge to run zigzag – contrary to popular myth, this doesn’t confuse them. Instead, run straight and run as fast as possible away from the alligator. If it latches onto you, fight back by hitting its snout and poking its eyes.

If a dog looks like it will attack (cupping its ears, growling, lowering its body, keeping its tail steady), avoid direct eye contact as the dog may perceive this as a challenge. Do not run or scream, stand still with your hands at your sides. If the dog does attack, put anything you have between yourself and the dog. If you’re knocked over, curl into a ball, your hands over your head and neck.
Wild Boar

Wild boars can appear out of nowhere as they’re very fast and nimble. Avoid making direct eye contact with the animal. Your best bet to get out of the confrontation safe is climbing a tree. Boars are agile but aren’t good climbers. Make yourself appear larger and use a loud voice to scare it off.

Bee swarms can be very dangerous because it’s incredibly difficult seeing where they’re coming from. If you’re under attack, quickly cover your head and retreat without swatting. Their stings release pheromones that attract more bees. Once at a safe distance, remove stingers by scraping them off. Avoid squeezing the sting site as this could inject more venom. If you’re allergic to bee stings, seek urgent medical attention.

Hippos are highly aggressive and territorial creatures that are underestimated due to their deceptive and sluggish demeanor. Surviving a hippo attack is rare as they are vicious with their attacks. The best strategy is to find a tree or other substantial barrier and get behind it. The situation would be much more dangerous in water where it’s nearly impossible to run away.

If you encounter a tiger in the wild, try to remain calm and back away slowly while maintaining eye contact. Running will provoke an instinctual chase response. Should a tiger approach, make yourself appear larger by standing on your tiptoes and extending your arms while shouting loudly. A tiger is far more likely to want you to leave its territory than to eat you.

An encounter with a chimpanzee can lead to dangerous situations. Chimps are much stronger than they look and they will attack if threatened. Sometimes they even attack (seemingly) without provocation. If you come across a chimp, don’t look them in the eye or show your teeth. Stay calm and quiet, and walk away slowly.

Running into a gorilla in the wild is rare but dangerous. Gorillas also don’t like it when someone (or another gorilla) looks them in the eye. Do not make sudden movements and try to lower yourself slowly to make yourself appear less threatening (as if bowing to it). If the gorilla charges, do not run. Instead, stand your ground and try to appear as unimpressive as possible. Gorillas usually charge to threaten by bluffing an attack.

Elephants are massive creatures so you won’t have a lot of maneuvering space if you get too close. Elephants are generally gentle but can turn aggressive if they feel threatened. If an elephant charges, you should avoid running or turning your back, rather, retreat slowly while shouting and waving your arms to assert dominance.

If an aggressive kangaroo is zeroing in, maintain eye contact and gradually back away without turning your back to it. Try to get behind a tree or a car to use as a barrier. If the kangaroo attacks, curl into a ball on the ground with your hands protecting your face. Kangaroos kick with extremely powerful hind legs that can cause serious injury, even death, but generally they are more likely to hop away from confrontation.
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15 Animals That Are Resistant to Venom
About the Author

Meet Jacqueline, a seasoned writer at Animaloverse who has spent over a decade exploring the fascinating world of animals. Her love for animals, which also fuels her writing, is drawn from her personal experiences with all kinds of pets. The animal kingdom continues to ignite her curiosity as she discovers new insights every day. She also finds joy and personal growth through sports. In winter, she enjoys skiing, embracing the thrill of invigorating cold weather activities. When summer arrives, she sets out on hiking trails, exploring the beauty of nature. Among all her passions, her dog Bailey holds a special place in her heart as together, they go on exciting adventures. The happiness she experiences with Bailey often serves as inspiration for her writing.