14 Tasty Everyday Foods That Your Cat Can Enjoy Too

Sharing delicious food with our pets is one of the joys of life. It’s a great way for us to bond with them and make meal times a little more fun. But with our cats, we need to be careful. Some human foods can be harmful to them. Thankfully, there are some foods we enjoy that are safe and tasty for our cats too. Just remember, these should only be treats and not their main meals, to keep their diet balanced and healthy.
1. Cooked Meat

Most cats salivate at the sight of meat. They are, after all, obligate carnivores. Meats like skinless chicken, turkey, lean beef, and liver can be a real treat for them. Just ensure to cook the meat thoroughly and remove any potential choking hazards like skin and bones.
2. Cooked Fish

Who said that tuna is the only fish cats love? Provided the fish is cooked, de-boned, and served without sauce, cats can savour a variety of fish. Whether it’s salmon, herring, or mackerel, your feline friend is bound to enjoy it.
3. Whole Grains

While not a dietary staple for cats, whole grains such as oats, corn, brown rice, and couscous can make occasional wholesome treats. These grains are sources of proteins and can complement your cat’s protein-rich diet.
4. Cooked Vegetables

A little green in your cat’s diet is a good idea too. Pumpkin, peas, and steamed carrots are nutritious vegetables that are safe for cats to consume. Just remember that your cat is a carnivore, so these should only be given in moderation.
5. Fruits

Surprisingly, cats can handle a small amount of fruit. Next time you have some apple or banana, peel off a slice for your feline friend. But remember to keep the portions small!
6. Cooked Polenta and Couscous

Adding some diversity to your cat’s treat regimen, cooked polenta and couscous are great alternatives to standard cat treats. They are rich in protein, making them ideal for satiating your little carnivore’s appetite. Remember, moderation is key, these grain-based treats should not make up a major part of your kitty’s diet. Offer them as an occasional delight or as a top-up on their regular cat food.
7. Steamed Pumpkin and Squash

It might come as a surprise, but your cat can snack on cooked pumpkin and squash. These vegetables are great sources of fiber which aid in digestion. Whether it’s Halloween or simply a mealtime treat, a bite of cooked pumpkin or squash is a fantastic way to supplement your cat’s diet. But make sure these veggies are well-cooked and served in small, manageable portions.
8. Cooked Peas and Green Beans

Your bouncing ball of fur might also enjoy cooked peas and green beans. Peas are rich in vitamins A, B, and C, while green beans can provide your cat with a healthy dose of Omega-3s and fiber. It’s important to serve these vegetables cooked and finely chopped to ensure they’re safe for your cat to consume.
9. Blueberries and Melons

Moving away from veggies and grains, blueberries and melons can serve as a sweet treat for your feline friend. These fruits are packed with antioxidants and vitamins, making them a nutritious and enjoyable snack. Be sure your cat’s fruit is served at room temperature and is properly cleaned and cut into small pieces, removing any seeds.
10. Cooked Eggs

Packed with protein and vitamins, cooked eggs are a powerhouse food that’s safe for cats to consume. Whether scrambled or boiled, ensure the eggs are well cooked before serving them to your feline. Next time you’re having breakfast, you can share a small portion of your egg with your cat as a special treat. However, do remember to keep these treats infrequent to maintain your cat’s healthy diet.
11. Cooked Sweet Potatoes

Packed with potassium and vitamins A and C, cooked sweet potatoes are a nutritious human food that cats can enjoy. This high-fiber snack should be served in small portions, typically less than a tablespoon, to avoid upsetting your cat’s stomach. When you’re serving mashed sweet potatoes for dinner, consider setting aside a small portion for your fur buddy to savor.
12. Cooked Shrimp

Shrimps are not just a human delicacy but also have numerous health benefits for felines. High in protein and containing taurine, which bolsters heart health and improves fur conditions, shrimps can be an occasional meal prompter for your feline friend. When serving shrimp to your cat, ensure it’s cooked through and remove the shell and tail beforehand to prevent choking. Remember, moderation is key!
13. Cooked Beef

You may already share scraps of well-cooked beef with your furry friend, so it’s no surprise that it makes our list. Lean beef is teeming with protein and essential amino acids that cats need. When served in moderation (like, say, a one-inch cube daily) it’s an excellent supplement to their diet. Remember to remove any seasoning, as well as fat and bones to ensure your cat’s safety.
14. Cooked Rice

Next time you’re having rice for dinner, why not share a small portion with your cat? This versatile grain can be a comforting food for cats, especially when it’s well cooked. Besides being a digestible carb source, rice is high in fiber, which may help with any stomach problems your feline friend may be experiencing. Just remember – treats should be only occasional additions to their regular, balanced diet of cat food.
About the Author

Meet Jacqueline, a seasoned writer at Animaloverse who has spent over a decade exploring the fascinating world of animals. Her love for animals, which also fuels her writing, is drawn from her personal experiences with all kinds of pets. The animal kingdom continues to ignite her curiosity as she discovers new insights every day. She also finds joy and personal growth through sports. In winter, she enjoys skiing, embracing the thrill of invigorating cold weather activities. When summer arrives, she sets out on hiking trails, exploring the beauty of nature. Among all her passions, her dog Bailey holds a special place in her heart as together, they go on exciting adventures. The happiness she experiences with Bailey often serves as inspiration for her writing.