14 Adorable Signs That Your Cats Think of You as Their Parent

Many of us treat our cats like beloved family members, spoiling them with treats and cozy beds. Some pet owners often wonder if their feline friends feel the same way. While cats may see us more as companions than parents, it’s natural to wonder what they truly think of us. Although every cat is different, certain behaviors can suggest that your feline friend sees you as a parental figure. Here are some of those signs.
They sleep near you

When your cats choose to snuggle close to you at bedtime, it’s a strong sign they see you as their parent. By curling up next to you, your feline friends show that they trust you completely and feel safe in your presence.
They follow you around

When your cat shadows your every move, it’s a sign that they see you as their haven. Much like a kitten follows its mother, your cat tags along to stay close to their “parent” for protection and guidance. It’s a way for them to stay close and feel safe.
They knead on you

Kneading is a behavior cats carry over from kittenhood, where they knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. When your cat kneads you, it’s expressing trust, comfort, and affection, just as they did with their mom.
They purr while you cuddle

While cats purr for several reasons, a deep, rhythmic purr often indicates contentment. If your feline friends purr while cuddling with you, this suggests they feel relaxed and happy in your presence.
They lick or nibble you

When your cat licks or nibbles you, it’s their unique way of saying, “You’re family!” Just like how a mother cat grooms her kittens, your furry friend may gently lick your hand or playfully nibble on your fingers.
They let you touch their nose

Cats’ noses are sensitive, so allowing you to gently tap or stroke them indicates a high level of trust and affection. Treat it as a little thumbs-up from your whiskered buddy.
They bring you gifts

When your cats bring you an unfortunate mouse or bug, it can be disturbing. Understand that they may be trying to teach you how to hunt or share food with you. This behavior indicates that they see you as a member of their family.
They talk to you

Cats often meow and vocalize to communicate their needs and feelings, much like they would do with their feline friends. This behavior is a way of talking to you and seeking your attention.
They greet you with their tail

When your cat greets you with their tail held high and curved at the tip like a question mark, it’s a good sign. This tail shape suggests that they feel safe, happy, and trust you a lot. Cats show this behavior when they’re excited to see their “parent,” eagerly bouncing up to you with that telltale tail.
They slowly blink at you

Slow blinking, often referred to as a “cat kiss,” signifies trust and affection. When your cats slowly blink at you, they’re telling you that they feel safe and comfortable. By mimicking this behavior, they acknowledge you as part of their safe circle.
They show you their rears

When your cat sticks its rear toward you, it’s a high compliment. They usually reserve this unusual behavior for those they trust deeply. This is a gesture of affection, comfort, and familiarity in the feline world. Your cat simply wants to show its affection, telling you that it loves and trusts you like a mother figure.
They come to you at mealtime

When your cat eagerly rushes to you at mealtimes, it’s a sure sign it sees you as a parental figure. This behavior showcases their trust and dependence on you for nourishment. Whether they’re weaving between your legs or letting out their distinct meows, it’s their way of showing love and recognition for the care you provide.
They give you head butts and nuzzles

When your cat’s head butts or nuzzles you, it transfers its scent onto you, marking you as a part of their territory. This territorial behavior implies that they accept you as an important and safe part of their world. They leave their “stamp” on you, just as they do with other cats they like. You’ll often notice this behavior when they weave around your legs or rub their face against your hand.
They show you their belly

When your cat shows you its belly, it’s the ultimate sign of trust and affection. By exposing their most vulnerable area, cats signal that they feel safe and secure with you. This behavior says, “I trust you like I would my mom or dad.” You may see them flopping onto their backs or stretching out contentedly, giving you a glimpse of that furry belly.
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About the Author

Meet Jacqueline, a seasoned writer at Animaloverse who has spent over a decade exploring the fascinating world of animals. Her love for animals, which also fuels her writing, is drawn from her personal experiences with all kinds of pets. The animal kingdom continues to ignite her curiosity as she discovers new insights every day. She also finds joy and personal growth through sports. In winter, she enjoys skiing, embracing the thrill of invigorating cold weather activities. When summer arrives, she sets out on hiking trails, exploring the beauty of nature. Among all her passions, her dog Bailey holds a special place in her heart as together, they go on exciting adventures. The happiness she experiences with Bailey often serves as inspiration for her writing.